Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Granny Stripes go a little crazy!

Oh how long is it since a wrote my first post in blog land......way to long.

I've been having gently little reminders from Nicola and then I came along a lovely blog called Orans place http://oran.typepad.com/which gave me the push to start again.....thanks Oran

Ok big thanks first to the lovely Lucy from Attic 24 for sharing this funky granny stripe. I thought mmmm what could I do with that. I bought some yarns last week and thought yes I'll do another blanket for the caravan.....but then I had another thought......I've got a lovely little Lloyd Loom box that needs TLC. I'm going to granny stripe that me thinks. However the granny stripe is way too long for that.

I think what I will do is continue with completing this blanket and pick out some colours maybe just 3 colours to stripe it up!

The yarn is only £1.09 a ball for 100g so it really is a bargain ( just what I loveeeeeeee)

Just popped onto to sort out why on earth my pics only went to the top of the post.....sorted that one out but its left a huge gap underneath this text.
I'm still learning..........

About Me

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Hello and thanks for visiting me. I'm Heather and this is all so new to me. I am a big big fan of other peoples blogs. I love all things quirky and different in my life and my home, mixing the vintage and the new together. Having mastered the basics of crochet mainly through the internet and a lovely lady who had the time to sit down and show me just how it was done I am now quite addicted. However I need to learn how to stop skipping from one project to another! I'll share my 'projects' with you and my love of vintage crochet and knitting patterns that I hope to upload onto here. I am also quite a big fan of charity shops and will share my little finds with you too. Lots of blogs have inspired me to do one of my own I hope you can come back and have a sneaky peek at 'whats occuring' in my life! Heather xxx